At this Autumn’s General Assembly (GA) of the International Dental Manufacturers (IDM) on September 13, 2024, in Istanbul, Turkey, during the fdi Annual World Dental Congress (AWDC), Samantha Cheetham, Director of the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) was elected as the new President of the International Dental Manufacturers (IDM) for the upcoming two-years-term.

Olaf Sauerbier, Deputy Chairman of the German Dental Industry Association (VDDI) and current FIDE-President (The Federation of the European Dental Industry e.V.) is now President Elect for the term of office. Tim Long (DTA) was elected as First Vice President. The fourth member of the IDM Board is Second Vice President Yutaka Shinozaki from (JDTA).

The General Assembly also included a meeting with the current President and the Managing Director as well as members of the staff of the World Dental Federation, fdi, for a joint exchange of views.

Representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) gave a comprehensive insight into the The World Health Organization’s Global Strategy on Oral Health and Global Oral Health Action Plan 2023–2030 and further more about the opportunities for the dental industry to engage in this process.

Moreover, there had been a fruitful and intense discussion about IDM Strategic Goals for the next four years until 2027 which will be available in a revised version on the IDM website soon.

Other topics included the new IDM website ( and the association’s finances.

The next IDM meeting will be held in Cologne in March during IDS 2025 next year.

Dr. Markus Heibach, Istanbul, Turkey, 13th September 2024

Photo rom Left to Right: Yutaka Shinozaki, IDM Second Vice President from Japan Dental Trade Association (JDTA), Greg Chaves, CEO of Dental Trade Alliance (DTA), Dr. Ryan Hungate, DTA, Olaf Sauerbier, IDM President Elect from The Federation of the European Dental Industry (FIDE), Samatha Cheetham, IDM President from Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA), Dr. Markus Heibach, Secretary General FIDE