mission and goals

Your source of information

for a global level playing field

Founded in October 1988, in Washington DC, USA, as a communication forum, idm has developed into an autonomous, independent umbrella organization to globally represent as an association the common interests of member associations and through them support the interests of the global dental industry as a whole.

Among the many important activities and missions of idm is the coordination of international exhibition dates in order to maximize the efficiency, quality and viability of exhibitions for both the attendees and the exhibitors.

To this end, idm compiles and publishes the global dental events planner. Professional organizers can obtain regular updates from this idm website. Presidents and Board Members have in the past willingly given their time to lead idm to where it is internationally recognized today.

Global representation:
idm, the voice of the Dental Manufacturing Industry to all constituencies on matters of global concern. When it comes to true global issues, idm is the group that the industry, or Profession can come to for guidance. Create greater awareness to the Profession, our member organizations and among their member companies.

  • To coordinate the joint international interests and benefits of the regional member industry associations; to represent their interests before governments and professional dental organizations, including international dental organizations such as the fdi World Dental Federation, IADR International Association of Dental Research, (for idm not an important priority).
  • To work on “white spots” where no Regional Dental Industry Association exists and is not very likely to develop: China, India, Thailand, Taiwan, (Middle East), for the benefit and value of communication between members.
  • To recognize, coordinate and work with international dental exhibition organizers with the aim to maximize the efficiency and viability of exhibitions for both attendees and exhibitors.
  • To challenge, charge members with being idm‘s voice wherever supranational interests are involved.
  • To develop regular communication and exchange of information within the member associations, dental manufacturing industry and distribution industry.Work with fdi on AWDC, Annual World Dental Congress, through regular fdi – idm Executives meetings.
  • To maintain a regular meeting schedule of Two Board of Officers Meetings and two General Assembly per year, alternating between the CDS, Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, IDS International Dental Show Cologne and fdi AWDC.
  • To challenge Member Association for more communication between idm Members, more active involvement, communication response.
  • To advise member associations regarding contemplated and actual regulatory changes in any part of the world and to provide a vehicle for coordinated response when appropriate.
  • To contemplate to support Member Industry Views.Working with fdi on the selection of venues for Annual World Dental Congresses.
  • To be involved not just informed. Provide feedback to already established regional meetings on behalf of foreign exhibitors.
  • To communicate regular to Member Associations about accomplishments.